NeckTech collar

by Isabel, February 15, 2024

What is a NeckTech collar?

Our patent-pending NeckTech design was born out of the desire to develop a stable and reliable alternative to other chain collars. The result is a collar that combines the best of both worlds: the material advantages of stainless steel chains and the comfort and appearance of flat dog collars.

NeckTech collars consist of 20mm wide, flat closed links and are therefore as wide as many other nylon or biothane collars and offer a wider contact surface than typical chain collars. This makes them perfect for dog owners who are concerned that other chain collars are too thin for their dog.

Advantages of NeckTech collars

The big advantage of our NeckTech collar compared to other chain collars and dog collars is that it can be lengthened or shortened at any time without damaging or irrevocably changing the collar. Individual links can be removed or added for this purpose. This makes them perfect for dogs that are still growing or whose neck circumference changes significantly due to shedding or other circumstances.

NeckTech Edelstahl an Labrador NeckTech Edelstahl an Labrador

How do I lengthen or shorten a NeckTech collar?

To adjust the NeckTech, you need to bend the links slightly open from the inside. Then you can slide them apart or together, depending on whether you want to shorten or lengthen the chain. Then connect the end links to close the chain again and bend the links back down tightly on the inside to prevent the chain from opening accidentally.

Watch our video to see the whole process!

NeckTech Fun materials, colors and models

Choosing the right NeckTech collar for you and your dog depends on various factors. As all our NeckTech Fun collars currently on offer are made of stainless steel, you always get a chain made of a high-quality and durable material that is extremely long-lasting and can be used in any environment - all our stainless steel chain collars are rust-proof even in salty seawater!


You currently have the choice between stainless steel silver, stainless steel matt silver and stainless steel matt black for your NeckTech, you can decide according to your taste.

Please note: we do not recommend cleaning black and matt chains with metal polish, as this can damage the surface that gives the chain its special look. You can find out more about proper chain care in our blog post on the subject.


Our NeckTech Fun comes in 2 basic versions:

NeckTech Fun with assembly chain and NeckTech Fun without assembly chain. You should choose your new collar based on your needs, training goals and areas of application.

Is the NeckTech Fun with ClicLock CUROGAN matt still available?

Our NeckTech Fun with ClicLock CUROGAN matt is currently no longer in production. Remaining stocks may still be available from individual retailers.

NeckTech Edelstahl mit Durchzugskette an Rottweiler NeckTech Edelstahl mit Durchzugskette an Rottweiler
NeckTechs Edelstahl an Labrador Welpen und erwachsenem Labrador

Why is the NeckTech only available in two sizes?

We offer the SPRENGER NeckTech Fun in two basic sizes, but this does not mean that it is not also suitable for dogs with larger or smaller neck circumferences! As already described, you can adjust the chain to the required neck length. Each link of the NeckTech adds 3 cm or shortens the chain by 3 cm.

You can buy additional links in both color variations in a pack of 2 directly from us!

NeckTech collar banned?

Our NeckTech Fun is equivalent to a normal flat collar and even models with a pull-through chain have a fixed pull stop and do not choke if the correct size is selected. This means that the NeckTech Fun complies with the current animal welfare regulations in Germany. The NeckTech Fun is therefore not banned.

NeckTech Sport banned?

Our NeckTech Sport is an alternative version of conventional training collars and has a more natural effect on the dog. The use of this type of training collar or training chain is prohibited in Germany according to the Animal Welfare Dog Ordinance §2 Para. 5 and they are not available in our store.

You can find out more about "Which chain collars are permitted?" in one of our other blog posts.

NeckTech Edelstahl mit ClicLock an dunklem Hund NeckTech Edelstahl mit ClicLock an dunklem Hund

SPRENGER NeckTech Fun collars

part of your passion.


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