Sprenger Magazine

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September 27, 2024 - Horse

Pronamic Gebisse

In diesem Blog stellen wir Dir unsere neuen Pronamic Gebisse vor - ein Gebiss entwickelt von dem Gebissexperten Heiko Schmidt-Sentek und den, im Reitsport hocherfolgreichen, Geschwistern Jessica von Bredow-Wendl und Benjamin Werndl. Das Pronamic Gebiss, bringt die Kommunikation und den Komfort von Dir und Deinem Vierbeinigen Sportpartner auf das nächste Level!

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September 26, 2024 - Dog

WUSV World Championship 2024

The WUSV World Championship for IP and Agility is taking place here in Germany this year. Find out everything you need to know about the event and the world of dog sport here!

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September 20, 2024 - Horse

Children's Spurs and Stirrups

Especially for small shoe sizes: our spurs and stirrups in children's sizes. Why are there children's stirrups and what are the advantages? You can find out this and much more in the article.

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September 13, 2024 - Horse

Pony Bits

The SPRENGER range also offers anatomically shaped bits for ponies and Icelandic horses, which are specially designed for the conditions in the horse's mouth and connection problems.

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September 11, 2024 - Dog

Chain collar link types

Choosing the right type of link for your dog's chain collar is not just a matter of taste. You can find out which link type you should choose in this blog post!

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September 06, 2024 - Horse


Does your horse tend to be mouthy? Put an end to it! We offer you the best tips and recommendations so that you and your horse can master this challenge together. With SPRENGER, you two are perfectly equipped - just as you deserve!

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August 30, 2024 - Horse


Does your horse tend to be mouthy? Put an end to it! We offer you the best tips and recommendations so that you and your horse can master this challenge together. With SPRENGER, you two are perfectly equipped - just as you deserve!

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August 28, 2024 - Dog

Dummy training dog

Dummy training is nowadays used by many dog owners as a dog sport and dog activity. In this blog post, we'll tell you everything you need to know about dog dummy training and how you can get started with your dog!

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August 23, 2024 - Horse

Which bit when horse leans on bit?

Your horse leans heavily on the bit and you are wondering whether this could be due to the bit? We look at possible causes and offer solutions.

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