by Felicitas, October 11, 2024
ingrid klimke mit braunem pferd

We are delighted to present our latest collection to you - in close cooperation with the renowned riding champion Ingrid Klimke. We have had the pleasure of supporting this incredible rider with our products for many years. Now we have joined forces to offer you an exclusive collection consisting of our mutual favorite products. And yes, also YOUR favorites, because our selection is one of the absolute bestsellers, so as many of you as possible can enjoy the SPRENGER x Ingrid Klimke collection.

What is special about the collection?

All products in the SPRENGER x Ingrid Klimke collection are of the usual SPRENGER quality. The tried and tested products have different design elements on both sides, showing Ingrid in dressage (right/red) and cross-country (left/orange).

pferd mit schwarzer trense und b ring gebiss

SPRENGER Pronamic - All advantages at a glance

  • single jointed, anatomically and ergonomically shaped

  • available as a loose ring snaffle and bradoon bit

  • also available in pony size (115 mm)

  • forward flared port

  • helps horses to approach the hand better when relatively upright

  • effective influence on horses that pull strongly to jump and tighten up

  • also suitable for sensitive horses

  • ideal for refining the aids

Professional sport meets bit experts

The Pronamic bits were developed in collaboration with the highly successful equestrian siblings Jessica von Bredow-Werndl and Benjamin Werndl and our bit expert Heiko Schmidt-Sentek, who has been working for SPRENGER for many years and who some of you may have already met at bit fitting appointments or events with our specialist dealers. Our knowledge of materials and years of experience in bit production round off the creation of the Pronamic.

Benjamin Werndl on the Pronamic bits: “The development process of the Pronamic bits together with SPRENGER was a really exciting project and we are proud that our bit came out in the end. The Pronamic is very well suited to improving the contact of different types of horses, because the special shape makes them prefer to approach the hand.”

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SPRENGER x Ingrid Klimke ULTRA fit EXTRA GRIP spurs

These spurs are a real all-rounder. The spherical neck end enables a gentle action, while the soft rubber cover ensures a firm fit and protection of the boot leather. The individual adaptability to your foot is particularly practical, as with all our ULTRA fit spurs. By carefully bending the spurs, you can adjust them to fit your riding boots perfectly. Don't worry - we give a lifetime breakage guarantee on our stainless steel spurs, that's how convinced we are of our ULTRA fit quality! The all-rounder among spurs is ideal for all disciplines, from dressage to show jumping, but also cuts a fine figure on the eventing course.

The ULTRA fit EXTRA GRIP spurs from the SPRENGER x Ingrid Klimke collection have, like the other items in the collection, the two design elements. They sit on the wider surface instead of the Sprenger logo.

Are you still looking for the matching spur straps? Then take a look at our models.

Key features:

  • Spherical neck end for gentle effect

  • Durable soft rubber coating for an optimized fit

  • Gentle on the boot leather

  • Intelligent spur strap guide for optimum fit on the boot

  • Easy adjustment to the foot

ingrid klimke wassertrense kk ultra

SPRENGER x Ingrid Klimke KK ULTRA loose ring snaffle

The KK ULTRA bits are among our most popular models for good reason. The anatomically adapted shape fits perfectly in the horse's mouth and, thanks to its straight shape, is also suitable for horses with fleshy lips. The shortened lozenge, which is inclined forwards by 45°, prevents unpleasant pressure on the bars and palate and enables a noticeably better effect via the bit. When the reins are tightened, the lozenge lies snugly on the tongue without squeezing and distributes the pressure evenly over the entire width of the tongue. The perfect anatomical position makes the KK ULTRA bit a suitable choice for all levels of training and disciplines.

The loose rings of the loose ring snaffle gently cushion the impact of the reins, which also makes the bit interesting for young horses that are still a little restless in the mouth. For an optimum fit, there should be a maximum of 3 - 5 mm space between the bit ring and the corner of the mouth on both sides to avoid pinching. You can read more about the correct fit and the effect of the loose ring snaffle in general here: 'The loose ring snaffle . A gentle all-rounder for all levels of training'.

Key features:

  • Made from SENSOGAN

  • Anatomically adapted mouthpiece

  • Improved action compared to conventional bits

  • Even pressure distribution

  • Suitable for all disciplines and training levels

kk ultra gebiss verleich doppelt gebrochene Wassertrense

Which way round should the SPRENGER bit from the Ingrid Klimke collection be?

From the normal KK Ultra bits and bradoons you are probably used to a small arrow being stamped on one side of the mouthpiece, which must point forwards on the left side so that the bit is correctly buckled in. With the bits in the SPRENGER x Ingrid Klimke collection, however, the design element sits at the sides, which is why the arrow can be found on the mouthpiece and points downwards on the left hand when the bit is correctly positioned - as with our Shine Bright bits.

ingrid klimke ho kandare und kk ultra unterlegtrense

Ingrid Klimke x SPRENGER HO weymouth bit

Are you and your four-legged friend ready to switch to the double bridle? This means that you have a balanced, relaxed and, above all, rein-independent seat and can give your aids in a fine and coordinated manner, while your sport partner is also balanced and seeks constant contact with the snaffle bit. The first tendencies towards collection as well as impulsion should also already be developed.

Now it is time to choose the weymouth bit and bradoon. If your four-legged friend is happy with the snaffle bit, it is advisable to choose the same model as the normal snaffle as bradoon. We recommend our HO weymouth for beginners / switching to a double bridle. Why? The HO weymouth enables sensitive and precise aids to be given, ideal for doube bridle beginners and sensitive horses.

The design of the mouthpiece promotes harmony between the rider's hand and the horse's mouth, and the port relieves pressure on the middle of the tongue. The slightly slanted transitions to the side part ensure that the edges of the tongue are relieved. With its longer leverage (7 cm shank), the effect is delayed, but allows more poll pressure if required.

The chin chain is buckled in such a way that it allows an angle of 30 - 45° between the lower rein and the mouth gap, thus sensibly limiting the lever on the poll. For more comfort, it is advisable to use a thin chin chain pad.

Would you like to know more about the double bridle? Then read the article 'Fitting the double bridle correctly'.

Key features:

  • Made from chewing-promoting SENSOGAN

  • Slightly curved port

  • Less pressure on the tongue's edges

  • Even pressure distribution

  • Suitable for doubel bridle beginners and sensitive horses

ingrid klimke mit schwarzem pferd und sprenger produkten

SPRENGER x Ingrid Klimke Bow Balance stirrups

Anyone who spends many hours a day in the saddle and rides several horses must pay attention not only to the quality of the equipment but also to comfort. Therefore, the Bow Balance stirrup is a must for Ingrid.

The Bow Balance jointed stirrup stands for safety and comfort in the saddle. The curved shape makes it easier to pick up the stirrup and supports a gentle framing of the horse with the thigh. The System 4 joint enables a natural, elastic foot movement and makes it easier to release the foot in the event of a fall.

Key features:

  • System-4 joint for safety and comfort

  • Shock-absorbing - easy on joints and ligaments

  • Extra wide tread for better grip

  • Curved shape for optimum balance

Tips from Ingrid Klimke

To get the most out of your training, we have put together some tips from Ingrid Klimke for you:

  1. Cavaletti training: Cavaletti work is an excellent way to improve the basic movements and improve the horse's balance. Make sure you adapt the distances to your horse's abilities and regularly introduce variety into your training. Transitions in front of and behind the raised poles also improve supplenesss.

  2. Cross-country training and hacking: Riding cross-country promotes your horse's confidence and sure-footedness. You can also take a small jump and slowly increase the difficulty to boost your horse's self-confidence.

  3. Sensitive aids: Always work on giving your aids as precisely and gently as possible. This creates trust and harmony between you and your horse. A suitable bit that your horse is happy with contributes significantly to a harmonious connection.

  4. Keep at it: Regular training is crucial for progress. Think about a rough training plan, which exercises you would like to do each week, e.g. 1 x hacking out, 1 x cavaletti, 1 x pause, etc. You should take into account the level of training and condition of your horse to ensure optimal and healthy gymnastics, which also promotes muscle development and strength.

We look forward to hearing about your experiences with the new collection and wish you lots of fun and success in the saddle!


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