by Felicitas, October 18, 2024

What's special about SPRENGER Shine Bright bits

For a sparkling everyday (stable) life - with the SPRENGER Shine Bright collection you make a statement at the stables and at the show. The unique bits combine the popular SPRENGER Dynamic RS and KK ULTRA bit shapes with sparkling glass crystals for an elegant look. So you don't have to compromise on style or comfort for your four-legged partner.

With the Shine Bright collection, SPRENGER offers you the opportunity to create your very own individual bit. Instead of the black ring on the SENSOGAN bits, the Shine Bright Edition models feature a crystal. Choose from six breathtakingly beautiful crystal colors - from classic white to radiant green. So add some color to your outfit:

  • Crystal: A whitish sparkling glass crystal for a classic look that goes with any outfit.

  • Aquamarine: This cool shade of blue is reminiscent of a day at sea - perfect for your favorite blue outfit.

  • Chrysolite: Tender green for all green lovers. We think green goes with all coat colors.

  • Light Colorado Topaz: This luxurious gold shade goes perfectly with warm, autumnal colors.

  • Provence Lavender: The soft purple of this crystal will have you dreaming of the lavender fields of Provence. Not only looks great next to pink and purple tones.

  • Vintage Rose: An antique pink, subtle and romantic for all those who love pink outfits.


SPRENGER Shine Bright meets Dynamic RS bits

Of course, functionality is the top priority with our SRPENGER bits. In addition to our high-quality workmanship, we are particularly proud of the anatomy of our bits, which is specifically tailored to the various characteristics of the horse's mouth. Our Dynamic RS bits, for example, are ergonomically shaped and therefore also fit perfectly in small horse mouths or horses with a very fleshy tongue. Even with sensitive horses, we have had very good experiences with the Dynamic RS bits: they help with a soft, constant contact and effective aids. You can read more about our Dynamic RS bits in the article 'Small mouth, big tongue? Dynamic RS bits!'.

The reason for the positive characteristics of the SPRENGER Dynamic RS bits is the unique curved shape and the 45° forward rotation of the joints. This avoids pressure points on the tongue and ensures an even contact surface on the tongue, even with single jointed bits.

In the Shine Bright collection, the Dynamic RS bits are available as a water snaffle with a single or double jointed mouthpiece, or as a single or double jointed olive head bit with a D-shaped ring.

Whether you opt for a loose ring snaffle or an eggbut bit depends on your and your horse's preferences. Eggbut bits lie much steadier in the mouth than loose ring snaffles and also offer a lateral limitation that provides support when riding turns. Would you like to find out more about the different bit shapes? In the blog 'The loose ring snaffle - a gentle all-rounder for all levels of training', we explain everything you need to know about bits with loose rings. If you want to know more about fixed side pieces, you should read the article 'Eggbut bit and D-ring bit - framing all-rounders for all levels of training'.

SPRENGER Shine Bright meets KK ULTRA bits

The KK ULTRA bits have a double jointed mouthpiece in which the centerpiece has been tilted forward by 45° and shortened at the same time. This guarantees an anatomically correct position between the tongue and palatal arch: the bit joints do not point towards the palate, as with conventional bits, but lie flat on the tongue and are no longer directly above the bars due to the shortening. The comfortable position in the horse's mouth ensures optimum acceptance of the bit and promotes a trusting contact. The KK ULTRA bits are real all-rounders and are suitable for all levels of training, read more about SPRENGER KK ULTRA bits here: 'Thin tongue, small mouth, fleshy lips - KK ULTRA bits'.

In the Shine Bright collection, the KK ULTRA bits are available as a loose ring snaffle and a bradoon bit. With a size of 115 mm, the latter is also perfect as a pony bit.

shien bright gebiss sprenger olivenkopftrense

Shine Bright bits made from SENSOGAN

Like all other Dynamic RS and KK ULTRA bits, the Shine Bright models are of course also made of SENSOGAN. This special alloy preserves the oxidation properties of the copper, which stimulates the horse's chewing activity. Chewing focuses the horse's attention on the bit and at the same time loosens the jaw muscles, which can have a positive effect on the entire topline. SENSOGAN therefore offers particularly good acceptance and promotes harmony between horse and rider. Would you like to find out more? Then read on here: 'Chewing-promoting SENSOGAN bits from SPRENGER'. You can read more about other bit materials and their advantages and disadvantages compared to SENSOGAN in the article: 'All about bit materials'.

Fitting the SPRENGER Shine Bright bit correctly

From our normal Dynamic RS and KK ULTRA bits, you are probably already familiar with the arrow on the side of the mouthpiece, which must point forwards on the left-hand side. With the Shine Bright bits, however, this is where the crystal is located, so we have moved the arrow to the mouthpiece, where it points downwards on the front side when correctly buckled.

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SPRENGER Shine Bright Edition Delivery time

All our Shine Bright bits are made especially for you, so please be patient when you order your new bit from our store. We normally expect a delivery time of 21 days. If you need the bit much faster, you should consider the normal version without crystal.

With the Shine Bright collection from SPRENGER, you combine the best of both worlds: the proven quality and function of our bits with a touch of luxury and individuality. Whether at competitions or during daily training - your horse will shine, and so will you.

Turn your everyday stable life into something special!

Shine Bright Kollektion Entdecken


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