Pony Bits

by Felicitas, September 13, 2024

With a selected range of pony bits, even the smaller four-legged sports partners, such as ponies and Icelandic horses, get their money's worth. Thanks to smaller rings (45 mm for Shetland Ponies, 55 mm for ponies or Icelandic horses) and bit thicknesses of 12 to 14 mm, these bits fit perfectly into petite mouths. The bit widths from 95 to 115 mm offer a wide selection to find the right bit for every pony. Thanks to their ergonomic shapes and innovative designs, SPRENGER pony bits enable fine and precise communication between rider and pony.

Below we present some of the best-known SPRENGER pony bits and their special advantages.

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The TURNADO pony bit differs from conventional models due to the 45° inclination of the centerpiece. This special shape enables an even distribution of pressure in the pony's mouth, which ensures a gentle and precise action. Unlike other single jointed bits, which often exert uneven pressure on the edges of the tongue, the TURNADO bit ensures a balanced impact without regular turning of the bit. This pony bit is available in stainless steel or SENSOGAN and is suitable for ponies that require fine aids.

The TURNADO bits are available in stainless steel or SENSOGAN and are suitable for ponies that require fine aids

kk ultra gebisse uebersicht


Like all KK ULTRA bits, the KK ULTRA pony bit is double jointed and is characterized by its shortened middle section which is inclined forwards by 45°. This shape adapts perfectly to the anatomy of the pony's mouth and enables gentle yet effective aids to be given. The fine action of this bit improves communication between rider and pony, resulting in a more precise and comfortable riding style.

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WH ULTRA pony bit

The WH ULTRA pony bit is a further development of the KK ULTRA pony bit. It combines the anatomically adapted shape with a roller in the centerpiece that rolls over the pony's tongue and stimulates the sense of touch. This encourages the pony to play with the bit, which promotes mouth activity and chewing. This feature leads to a relaxation of the jaw muscles and a loose topline, which increases permeability when riding.

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Dynamic RS Pony Bit

The Dynamic RS bit is a further development of the KK ULTRA pony bit and offers an ergonomic shape as well as a 45° inclined centerpiece. These features ensure a precise and gentle effect on the pony's mouth. The special shape avoids pressure on the sensitive palate, making the bit ideal for ponies with sensitive tongues. The Dynamic RS pony bit can promote a trusting contact, especially in ponies that tend to have a thicker tongue. In the form of aneggbut bit for ponies, it is particularly suitable for ponies that have less fleshy lips, as it prevents the corners of the mouth from being pinched.

novocontact gebisse uebersicht

novocontact Pony Bit

The novocontact bit stands out with its unique oval shape, which provides a larger contact surface on the tongue while maintaining a low bit thickness. This innovative design is ideal for ponies and Icelandic horses that have little space in their mouth. The wide surface lies gently on the tongue when the bit is lightly leaned on, and the contact surface is reduced when the reins are tightened to enable a more targeted action. The novocontact pony bit, made from SENSOGAN, is particularly suitable for ponies that have difficulty approaching the bit correctly. Single jointed novocontact bits are ideal for sensitive ponies, while the double jointed novocontact bits are recommended for ponies that sometimes get strong but are still sensitive to excessive pressure.

MAX Control Pony Bit

The MAX Control bit bit offers a clever solution for ponies that require a stronger action in certain situations. It works like a normal double jointed bit when the reins are loosened. When the reins are tightened, it locks and acts like a mullen mouth, giving the rider more control in difficult situations. As soon as the contact becomes softer again, the bit returns to its original, gentle function.

Pronamic Pony Bits

Like all Pronamic bits , the pony version was developed in collaboration with renowned riders and bit specialists to give ponies a better contact. It is characterized by an anatomically curved shape that offers the pony's mouth more tongue freedom. This special design helps ponies to approach the hand more easily in a relatively upright position.

The forward flared port reduces the pressure on the lower bars, making the bit particularly suitable for ponies with sensitive mouths or thin tongues. The ergonomic shape of the Pronamic pony bit allows precise and effective aids to be given without overstraining the pony. It is ideal for ponies that need more support when leaning in, but are still sensitive to excessive aids.

Satinox Pony BIt

Our Sprenger Satinox pony bits are the ideal choice for beginners who value quality and functionality. Made of stainless steel and available with various mouthpieces, the Satinox pony bit has an ergonomic shape that leaves enough room for the pony's tongue. This bit ensures even pressure distribution and thus enables precise and gentle action.

Driving bits for ponies

SPRENGER also offers special pony bits for driving which enable a fine and effective action. The most popular models include

  • KK ULTRA Liverpool driving bit: A bit with a leverage effect that enables precise control of the pony when driving. The double jointed mouthpiece provides even pressure distribution on the tongue and lies anatomically correct in the mouth. The two slots in the side part offer various possibilities for attaching the driving lines to vary the leverage effect. The SENSOGAN promotes acceptance of the bit.

  • CM Liverpool driving bit: If you are looking for a driving bit with a mullen mouth with port, but do not want to miss out on the tried and tested SENSOGAN, you will find what you are looking for in the CM Liverpool driving bit. Here too, 2 slots offer variation when buckling the reins.

  • Liverpool drivig bit: Made of stainless steel, this model is the perfect entry-level model. The straight mullen mouth has a slight tongue clearance and distributes the pressure evenly in the pony's mouth.

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