Beach vacations with dogs

by Isabel, June 13, 2024

Summer is just around the corner and many of us are already busy planning our vacations. A vacation that is always a favorite? Beach vacations with dogs!

To make sure your next vacation with your dog by the sea is a complete success, we'll tell you what you should bear in mind and which rules you should definitely find out about in advance.

What do I need to consider when taking my dog to the beach?

You want to visit the beach with your dog for the first time? Great! Before you set off, it's important to find out what you need to be aware of. We have summarized the most important rules and points for you:

  • Stick to dog owner etiquette: don't let your dog run up to other dogs without asking, pick up dog poo and dispose of it appropriately, don't let your dog off the leash without a reliable recall and take care not to cause conflicts between dogs if using toys. Basically, the same rules apply here as on all walks!

  • Be considerate of other bathers and beach visitors. Especially on beaches that allow dogs, consideration is required to keep it that way. Since not everyone likes dogs and some people are even afraid of dogs, you should never let your dog approach strangers without asking. Children's toys, food or balls belong in the beach bag for many vacationers and can be tempting for dogs - so always keep an eye on your dog and keep it away from other people's property. Special care should also be taken with children, especially if they don't know dogs or your dog doesn't know children, accidents can quickly occur here, so remember that you are responsible for your dog's safety and behavior!

  • Take plenty of drinking water with you for your dog when you visit saltwater beaches. You should also bring enough food and treats with you, especially for long days at the beach, but avoid feeding your dog large meals, as its stomach can become twisted during the following playtime. Also make sure you only give your dog treats/food when there are no other dogs around to avoid possible conflicts resulting from food envy.

  • Remember to take a first-aid kit (for you and your dog)! Unfortunately, there are often shards of glass, sharp stones or shells hidden in the sand that can injure you. First aid and wound cleaning are important here to prevent infections.

Are dogs allowed on the beach?

Remember: always research and observe the local rules. If you can't find any reliable information online, there should normally be signs on every beach stating whether dogs are allowed or not. If there is no such sign, this does not mean that dogs are automatically prohibited. Ask the lifeguards/bathing attendants ( without your dog) or ask the local tourist information office.

In general, dogs are usually not allowed on beaches during the summer season - especially if there are dog beaches nearby.

When are dogs allowed on the beach?

It is difficult to give a general answer to this question, as the regulations can vary depending on the country, region or city. As a rough guide, however, you can remember the following: Dogs are not allowed on most beaches from April to the end of September, and in some cases even until the end of October. In many places, however, there are special dog beaches where dogs are allowed all year round and can roam freely.

Should dogs be showered after the sea?

Yes, even if salt water is not generally harmful or dangerous for the dog's coat or skin, the salt in combination with the sand can rub on the skin like sandpaper after drying and cause unpleasant irritation. For this reason, it is important to shower your dog with fresh water and remove sand and dirt with a brush.

What do you need for a beach vacation with your dog?

For a great day at the beach with your dog, having the right equipment in advance is the be-all and end-all! For this reason, we have compiled a list of the must-have equipment for a day at the beach with your dog here:

The right collar for a beach vacation with your dog!

Your dog's collar is exposed to a lot of stress during a visit to the beach: salty seawater, blazing sun and sand that gets everywhere are just some of the challenges that a collar has to overcome during a beach vacation.

That's why we recommend our high-quality stainless steel chain collars for beach vacations with your dog. Made from solid material in Germany, they undergo various manufacturing processes that not only make them safe and robust, but also absolutely rustproof and seawater-resistant!

You can find out more about our different materials for chain collars and their advantages and disadvantages in our blog post on the topic of materials for chain collars for dogs.

We recommend our models with SPRENGER hooks for vacations with dogs, so the chain can be adjusted to suit the situation, cannot tighten unwantedly and choke the dog even in exciting, strange situations and can be removed quickly and easily during wild play on the beach with other dogs to eliminate any potential for injury.

The chain comes in 3 mm and 4 mm wire gauge and is perfect for a wide range of dog breeds - from water-loving Labradors to sporty German Shepherds. In addition, the airy links help to reduce hair breakage in dogs with long or fine coats.

Beach vacation with dog bundle

Are you in the process of packing all the essentials for your next beach vacation and you're still missing a few things for your dog? No problem!

Our Beach Vacation Dog Bundle gives you all the basic equipment you need and saves you money at the same time:


The perfect seawater-resistant all-rounder dog collar for all kinds of vacations and adventures, as well as for everyday use! Thanks to the solid material, no coating or color can flake, rub off or fade - so you can enjoy this chain collar for more than just one season.


Still quite new in our collection and already a favorite and perfect for any vacation by the water: Our dog toy Soft Bite Tug M floats! Thanks to the hand loop, you can easily throw the toy and give your dog a great workout. Thanks to the softer material, your dog can easily grab the toy even in the water and when wet and does not swallow too much water when swimming.


Every day at the beach has to come to an end. Before you shower your dog with clear fresh water at your accommodation, you should remove any sand and dirt. This is not only more pleasant for your dog - anyone who has ever had sand in their socks or trousers knows what we're talking about! - but also helps to keep your car and vacation home (more or less) sand-free. With its strong bristles, our dog brush helps you to gently remove sand and dried dirt. Its compact size makes it perfect for the beach bag, the backpack or for storage in the car.

part of your passion.


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