Puppy equipment: Gear, tips & formalities

by Isabel, August 01, 2024

When a new puppy joins the family, an exciting time full of fun and doubt begins for experienced and new dog owners alike. To make sure you have everything you need on hand and don't have to worry about impractical leashes, dangerous toys and the like, this blog post on puppy equipment tells you everything you need to have bought and done before your puppy moves in.

For anyone looking for a checklist to tick off:

The right puppy equipment

The right initial dog equipment is always important, regardless of the age of the dog moving in. It forms the start of your basic dog gear and includes everything you need to transport your dog safely to its new home and to master all new experiences and challenges.

However, when a puppy moves in, there are a few things you need to pay special attention to and think about. We answer the most frequently asked puppy questions about equipment!

Which is better for a puppy - collar or harness?

The question of whether a dog collar or dog harness is better for a dog of any age is often discussed among dog owners. Our opinion: No matter what you decide on in the end, a good fit and high-quality craftsmanship and quality are always a must!

Later on, you can make the decision between collar and harness based on your dog's level of training, temperament and the activities they do. For a puppy, we recommend that you get both right away.

A well-fitting harness offers the advantage of even pressure distribution, even if your dog is still jumping around wildly on the leash and is exploring the world. This is also particularly important if you decide to let your puppy run around on a drag leash from an early age.

You can find out more about dog harnesses, the correct fit of a dog harness and the different types of harnesses here!

Once your puppy is a little older or when you want to work on communication and walking on a leash in a quiet environment, a collar is recommended for clearer communication.

Better safe than sorry: why choose at all? If your puppy wears a collar and harness, you can react depending on the situation, your dog gets to know both and you can see what it gets on better with. You also have the option of attaching dog tags to the collar, for example, to be on the safe side should your puppy wriggle out of its harness.

Which toys are suitable for puppies?

Playing with your dog is not only a great way to strengthen your bond and let out energy, but can also be an opportunity to train behavior in a playful way. This is precisely why playing together is so important, especially for puppies, and should not be neglected.

Choosing the right puppy toy is crucial for both sides to have fun. Puppy toys should always be robust without being too hard. Natural rubber, rope or cotton are therefore often used for these dog toys. Plush toys are also used by many new dog owners due to their cuteness factor. Here, as with all toys, it is important to ensure that the toy is replaced as soon as the dog starts to break it and that an alternative for chewing, such as an age-appropriate chew bone, is offered instead. This not only helps to discourage and redirect destructive behavior, but also eliminates the risk of your puppy swallowing or injuring itself on loose small parts of the damaged toy.

It is very important here that a toy should never be left to the puppy unattended, because almost any toy can be destroyed, depending on the size of the puppy, if it is given enough time. A toy always serves the purpose of playing together with the owner!

Squeaky toys are too exciting for many young dogs and should therefore not be your puppy's first toy.

Welpen Spielzeug Set

Wie finde ich denn jetzt das richtige Spielzeug für meinen Welpen?

Jeder Hund spielt auf unterschiedliche Weise. Auch wenn bei einigen Hunden durch ihre Rasse und die aus der Zucht stammenden Verhaltensweisen, wie beispielsweise das Apportieren beim Golden Retriever oder Labrador Retriever, bereits von einer Spieltendenz ausgegangen werden kann, bleibt vielen Welpenbesitzern nur eins: ausprobieren, ausprobieren, ausprobieren!

Damit Du und Dein Hund schnell herausfinden können, welche Art von Spiel euch gemeinsam am meisten Spaß macht (und Du dabei auch noch sparen kannst), haben wir unser Welpen Spielzeug Starter Set zusammengestellt!

Mit diesen Spielzeugen können Du und Dein Welpe jede Menge Spaß haben:

Unser Bringsel – Baumwolle, XS: Aus hochwertiger, weicher und zahnfreundlicher Baumwolle mit einer hochwertigen mittelfesten Füllung ist dieses Mini-Bringsel perfekt für Welpen. Durch die Handschlaufe hast du einen sicheren Griff und besseren Wurf und kannst so schon früh mit deinem Hund das Apportieren üben oder Dir andere Spiele einfallen lassen.

Unsere Fruit Challenge – „Mango“ Spielzeug ist bei vielen ein absoluter Favorit und in Größe S auch schon für junge Hunde geeignet. Egal, ob du es also als Wurf- und Apportierspielzeug oder mit Leckerchen gefüllt als Beschäftigungsspielzeug nutzen willst: das zahnfreundliche, robuste und widerstandsfähige Naturkautschuk macht alles mit und kann bei Bedarf sogar in der Spülmaschine gereinigt werden!

Unser Spielball am Seil ist der perfekte Einstieg für jeden Balljunkie oder solche die es werden wollen. Die grelle Farbe und das lange Seil machen es Deinem Hund und Dir leichter den Ball zu finden und aufzunehmen. Zusätzlich ist das weiche, strapazierfähige und zahnfreundliche Material schwimmfähig – perfekt für die ersten Versuche, die Pfoten nass zu machen!

Puppy equipment: Our tips & tricks

One piece of advice we would give new dog owners when it comes to equipment? Definitely make sure it's adjustable!

Whether you opt for a nylon collar, one of our chain collars, a Y-harness or a collar and lead set made of biothane or leather: if your puppy's equipment can grow with them, this not only saves you money, but also makes it more comfortable for your dog.

Adjustable collars and harnesses allow you to adapt them to your dog's size and (disproportionate) build at any time, thus preventing pressure points, incorrect pressure distribution or uncomfortable pinching, which in the worst case could lead to your dog disliking these items of equipment.

Puppy equipment: Don't forget these formalities!

Once it has been decided that a puppy should move in, there are suddenly a thousand things to do and decisions to be made at once. To make sure you don't forget any of the important formalities and suddenly find yourself faced with problems, here is the ultimate to-do list for moving in with your puppy:

  • Are you renting your apartment or house? Then make sure you get written permission from your landlord to keep a dog.

  • Find out about dog owner's liability insurance and take it out accordingly.

  • Find out about the cost of dog tax and register for dog tax.

  • Find out about registration with Tasso/in the pet register, prepare this and complete it immediately after your puppy arrives.

  • Find a vet in your area and make an appointment for the first vaccination.

  • Find out about veterinary clinics and practices with emergency services in your area in case health problems or injuries occur on public holidays, weekends or late at night.

  • Find out whether a certificate of competence is required where you live and for the breed of your puppy or whether special requirements must be met to keep your dog.

  • Find out about dog health insurance and dog surgery insurance and decide whether it makes sense for you to take this out.

  • Find out more about legal expenses insurance for dog owners and decide whether it makes sense for you to take it out.

Puppy equipment checklist to download as a free PDF file

Are you now really fired up to start planning your puppy's equipment and move in and don't want to forget anything? Great!

We have summarized everything important from this blog post as a PDF checklist for you to download, print out and tick off:

Download "Puppy equipment checklist" here!

*The formalities are specific to Germany - find out about the rules and conditions in your country before bringing a puppy home.

Part of your Passion.


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